Majorityrights News > Category: Cultural Marxism

TV: postmortem of passivity induced runaway and zombie effects in new dawn of interactive media

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 05:48.

Television: Answering to an even higher authority.

I’m The Slime

[backing vocals Tina Turner & The Ikettes]

I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That’s right, folks . . .
Don’t touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

- Frank Zappa, “I’m The Slime”

TV: postmortem on passivity induced runaway destruction, including speculation on zombie effects despite the new dawn of interactive media. It’s being a retrospective gives me an excuse to post this older show which I’ve only seen today for the first time. It’s funny as hell. Charlie Brooker is clever. I don’t vouch for his politics, am unfamiliar with that.

But as we say goodbye to the hegemonic days of television and the passive acceptance of its audiences of a world they could not interact with nor hope to change, it is worthwhile to take another look back on the days of how the Televitz shaped and manipulated our attention; and to speculate on some of its lingering effects, both on runaway systems in a world unchallenged, and its parallel tropisms in the computer screen, exponentially better though it is in the choice and interaction the mechanisms attached may provide…

“How Television Ruined Your Life”

Parts 1-6, BBC production, 2012, under Youtube license:

Episode 1 - Fear

Episode 2 - Life Cycle

Episode 3 - Aspiration

Episode 4 - Love

Episode 5 - Progress

Episode 6 - Knowledge

President of Jewish Community of Rome: the White race doesn’t exist, to say it does is “ignorant.”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 19 January 2018 06:07.

The New Observer, “White Race Doesn’t Exist” says Rome’s top bracket”, 16 Jan 2018:

The White race does not exist, and to say it does is “ignorant,” the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Ruth Dureghello has announced on Twitter.

“It’s inconceivable that in 2018 one must repeat to ignorant ones that there doesn’t exist a white race to defend, 80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws,” Dureghello wrote in Italian on her twitter feed.

She was reacting to a remark made by Attilio Fontana, a candidate of the Northern League party for the governorship of the province of Lombardy, earlier this week when he said that the Third World invasion of Europe was going to lead to the extermination of the white race.

Fontana, who is running with support from a center-right alliance, whose backers include former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, made the comments on Sunday on Radio Padania, which is run by the Northern League.

The controlled media in Italy was in uproar over his comment.

He said that being unwilling to “accept all” immigrants “isn’t a question of being xenophobic or racist, but a question of being logical or rational.

“”We can’t [accept them all] because they don’t all fit; we must make choices,” Fontana said. “We must decide if our ethnicity, if our White race, if our society must continue to exist or if it must be cancelled out, because there are many more of them than us and they are much more determined to occupy this land than we are.”

Though Fontana’s remarks are completely accurate— given current nonwhite invasion levels and the staggering reproduction rates of nonwhites already present in western Europe, that part of the continent is due to be majority nonwhite by 2040 or 2050 - the controlled media in Italy went into “uproar” over the comment.

Not even Fontana’s backtracking satisfied the hysteria. He later claimed it was “a lapse, an error in expression. I meant to say we must all re-organize a different kind of welcome, respecting our history, our society.”

Meanwhile, the Northern League’s charismatic leader, Matteo Salvini, refused to back down and said that Fontana had rightly raised a worry about an “invasion” by Muslims.

Salvini defended Fontana and said his party in government will “regulate every Islamic presence in the country.” “Our culture, society, traditions, way of live are at risk,” he said. “An invasion is underway.”

The vote for governor is being held on March 4.

* Dureghello’s reference to the “80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws” in her tweet is in relation to the racial laws promulgated by the Mussolini in 1938 which sought to keep Italy European, and which excluded Jews from holding position of public office, political parties, trade unions, banks, insurance companies, higher education, and all media in Italy.

Showcase: Arguing WN against virulent bracketry & why ‘Americanism’, ‘exceptionalism’ is ineffective

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 January 2018 07:43.

What it’s like to argue with a bracket and why ‘American founding fathers constitutionalism’ is too complicated and flawed a premise to defend White nationalism.

When asked why she wanted to exclude certain people from White Nations…

Tara experiences what it’s like to argue with a virulent bracket and why defending White America (let alone White Nations generally, of course) on the basis of the U.S. Constitution, founding fathers, exceptionalism, etc., is not the best angle.

If you mean to defend White Nationalism, defend White Nationalism, not American Nationalism of the Founding fathers, their constitution and not I.Q., as Tara does. The intentions of the founding fathers, what their text say, matters of I.Q. and the accomplishments (or lack of certain kinds of misdeeds) of White Nations can provide rebuts to fallacious counter arguments, but are not effective as a premisary thesis for defending White Nationalism.

MR’s platform takes rather a premise of deep systemic, pervasive ecology and biodiversity ... to be deliberately coordinated among human and pervasive ecology; and to be distinguished from Hitler’s ‘ecology’ which was more like Darwinism and absent the sufficient human and humane aspect of praxis.

Perhaps we should let Tara find out the hard way - she has been warned (as Mancinblack noted). There are reasons to be critical of her: she has associated with some pretty bracketed individuals, such as the guy promoting the Jewish alternative payment set up (I’ll find the link a little later); in addition to going along with the fundamentally right wing and Jewish aligned platform that is the Alternative Right.

Goyim!?! It’s an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’ That’s your Christmas present I guess.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 December 2017 08:31.

Millennial Woes Talks to Mike Isaacson, 24 Dec 2017:

Mike Isaacs: So, yeah, so the point is that ultimately, the issue is not a matter of ethnicity or nationality, the issue is that we have a social system, an economic system that perpetuates this kind of continued defamation of anyone who isn’t of the ruling class.
Millennial Woes: Ah, well, or you could say that it’s to do with rich Jews, ah..
Mike Isaacs:...n-no ... It’s rich, it’s rich like uh rich goyim too.
Millennial Woes: Goyim!?!
Mike Isaacs: Uh, yeah, uh, yeah that is the word I used. It is an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’ Uhm, that was your Christmas present I guess, I don’t know…

And of course what Isaacson is saying is true - the problem is rich goyim as well - and in their case, they deserve that title when they are complicit with selling out their ethnic genetic interests.

The problem is that neither side is allowing for a White Left, its steady ethno nationalist perspective - which would provide not only a steady perspective on the antagonism of the YKW, but a steady perspective on susceptibilities to elite betrayal.

A fundamental problem with MW is that while he does well in assembling pre-manufactured components, it is his wont therefore, he’s accepted, in fact has insisted upon, the terminological schematic that he’s been handed to assemble .. and it has been provided by the YKW to allow them a back door.

That aside for the moment, he’s conducted a ‘Millenniyule’ of sixty some odd intelligent and informative conversations with people concerned for ethnonationalism in one way or another - unfortunately, with the Alt-Right brand, but we’ll be advancing our more sound platform in days to come…

We’ll be addressing these matters, but lets first give credit where credit is due - this was one of the better moments:

MW(42:00): That’s interesting. Why is that you are against Israel?

Mike Isaacs: That’ primarily because I’m an anarchist, so I’m against all states.

MW: I imagine the Jews in Israel wouldn’t like you very much.

Mike Isaacs: Well there are anti-Zionist Jews who grew up there; and that’s their country right now; and also I don’t like ethnostates, in particular.

I think the Palestinian people deserve the right to happiness, a fulfilling life, freedom without persecution.

MW: Yeah, you know, it’s too bad for the Palestinians really, I have no position on this one way or the other. It’s not my problem, really.

Mike Isaacs: That’s so easy to say…like at the end of the day, that fact that Palestinians are in captivity means just like your goverment is in alliance with the Israelis to keep them that way so, if they can like..

MW: Oh, well I’d rather we didn’t ...

Mike Isaacs: You help the system to make money. This is how the system operates. They expect us to turn a blind eye to other people’s problems.

MW: Hold on a minute. You and I are in agreement here. I don’t want us to be sending any money to Israel. With their high I.Q. they should be able to deal with this themselves, make money and all the rest of it… so I don’t think there is a need for us to be sending aid money to them. You know, I agree with you, so I don’t like being implicated, or my people being implicated in these things.

Mike Isaacs: It’s not about implicating your people. This is what I’m trying to get the point across with.. it’s that your people are actively harmed. ..because your people are ultimately in a position, and when I say your people, I mean working class people…

MW: I’m not working class, but anyway, go on…

Mike Isaacs: Ok, but anyway, the common people, of Britain, they are ultimately at the mercy of the people who rule them .. the politicians who are in the pockets of big financiers…and big executives.. uhm, and those people continually profit from the bondage of the Palestinian people. The British weapons industry makes money by virtue of this foreign aid going to Israel then coming back in the form of weapons purchase. The Unites States is even more so…The United States is a huge funder not only of Israel but also of Egypt…
MW: I must say, I am delighted that we’ve found something that we can agree on, Mike, this is really nice…I totally share your views on this…
Mike Isaacs: So, yeah, so the point is that ultimately, the issue is not a matter of ethnicity or nationality, the issue is that we have a social system, an economic system that perpetuates this kind of continued defamation of anyone who isn’t of the ruling class.

MW: Ah, well, or you could say that it’s to do with rich Jews, ah..
Mike Isaacs...n-no…It’s rich, it’s rich like uh rich goyim too.  MW: Goyim!?!
Mike Isaacs: uh, yeah, uh, yeah that is the word I used. It is an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’
...Uhm, that was your Christmas present I guess, I don’t know…

(((Only The Alt-Right Can Save the Jews)))

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 21 December 2017 16:07.

Coalition building among the alt right:

Article currently running at

Alternative Right and Alt-Right: “Only the Alt-Right Can Save the Jews” by Colin Liddell:

Especially during the period in which Netanyahu has dominated its politics (1996-the present), Israel has become increasingly and blatantly ethnonationalist—the very antithesis of what are supposed to be contemporary “Western values” according to the position supported by the Jewish lobby in the West. This more overtly ethnonationalist tendency is driven by demographic shifts within Israel, as well as concerns about terrorism and territorial consolidation. But it also happened because America enjoyed for much of that period a relatively unchallenged hegemony (following the collapse of the Soviet Union), allowing Israel to take liberties it couldn’t take in the 1970s and 80s, and which it will find difficult to take in the more Russian-dominated Middle East that is now emerging.

This means, however, that there is now a blatantly exposed moral contradiction at the heart of Israeli position, as it is increasingly recognised that the “Western democratic values” that Jewish organisations promote in the West (“open borders” and anti-nationalism) would in fact destroy Israel, if implemented there. This is something that the Left and the BDS movement clearly understand, and accordingly they attempt to hold Israel to the same values that the Jewish lobby promotes in the West.

Surprisingly, the main weakness of Israel has turned out to be its enormous donative and media might, which has allowed it to put itself in this ultimately untenable position through short-termist moral manipulations.

Israel has had enormous “moral power”—i.e. the ability to distort moral arguments in its favour—but moral power, let us be clear, is not the same as morality. Moral power is the ability to twist morality, and is therefore in a sense its exact opposite. Without broad-based strength, this is a major problem and indeed ultimately a weakness. Israel can constantly propagandise, bribe, and trick others, but in so doing it ultimately ends up tricking itself. More importantly, its reliance on such perverse “moral power” means that it avoids grounding itself in a true, sustainable morality that is suitable for its situation.

That situation, to be precise, is a situation of conquest, either in its own name or as part of a greater entity, namely the global West—or it is nothing (emphasis added). With that as the foundational premise, there are two possible true moralities for the state of Israel to adopt:

Complete Juche-style self-reliance, justified by constant vigilance and strength. Essentially this would see Israel morphing into a Yiddish version of North Korea or 18th-century Prussia, and relying on its nuclear arsenal and a culture of extreme militarism, to be the unloved catalyst of ever-increasing Islamic unity. End result, a perpetual regional Cold War, in which Israel would face increasing diplomatic isolation and where one major misstep could see its end, possibly in a nuclear war.

Israel as a true outpost of the the West, and thus supported by an undeceived West. But this would have to be a stronger, more expansionary, and anti-Islamic West, cleansed of the Leftist ideologies that the Jews have overwhelmingly supported in the past, and where Israel and the Jews fully supported Westerm ethno- and racio-centrism that echoed that of Israel itself. In such a West, Jews would no longer be seen as traitors, endeavouring to undermine the greater civilisation of which they were a part, but as defending that which defended them. This arrangement could only be achieved through what are essentially Alt-Right ideas of race realism, civilisational hierarchy, and (((culturism)))
(brackets added).

There are many choices open to Israel. Choosing to avoid a true moral basis to the state of Israel means continued reliance on trickery and subterfuge, but this ultimately weakens the state of Israel and dooms it to a zombie existence of being a false and soulless state.

But the more moral choices are also hard. The first of the two mentioned above clearly has heavy social costs and would require a constant state of tension and alarm that the Jewish people seem temperamentally unsuited for. There would be extreme brittleness in all that. Indeed the present Israeli state is developing partly along these lines, and is showing some of these dangerous stresses and strains.

The second moral choice is perhaps the best one, the most natural, and also the easiest, although that too has deep costs. This is mainly because it would require World Jewry to start behaving in quite different ways from those that have defined it. But if the effort were made honestly and sincerely, this would have the best chance of reconciling Israel with the West, and thus securing the future of Israel, as part of a more assertive and ethnocentric Western civilisation, holding Islam in check.

However, most of the trends now underway are clearly working against this, creating the conditions of growing Israeli isolation, long-term weakness, and ultimate destruction.

In short, only the Alt-Right can save Israel. One wonders how that undeniable truth sits with the most perspicacious among the Jews.

It’s called Jewing the Whites by first guilt tripping and advocating coalitions of non-or anti Whites against Whites, calling liberalism of their would-be White Left union/national boundaries “the left” and prohibiting Whites from doing the same thing as the anti White coalitions (organizing/unionizing) as that would be “racist” for Whites, if Whites did it. Further, the YKW misrepresent Leftism in a Cartesian way, as if it is not accountable to reality, “just mere constructs”, appeal to White penchant for objectivism (rational blindness to, or denial of, self interest and accountability), as if compassion is only for people beyond their borders/group boundaries (golden rule/ Christianity) - i.e., that is the Problem - “leftist culture of critique” that does not recognize or allow for a White left, its unionized boundaries, the being of White peoplehood. Reaction - right wing, objectivism, Cartesianism, scientism, idealism, religion and most of all, Christianity; search for pure warrant and avoidance of tainted and incomplete warrant in social accountability. Solution - “The Alt Right” ...Whites join and merge with Jews in Zionist supremacist imperialism: “The Left” is the enemy now, all those people who see this reality of the 7 niches that Jewish interests control and what the right wing sell outs have done by selling out to them.

By contrast, we are almost certainly going to need our own left nationalist coalitions, particularly left ethno national coalitions with Asians against the YKW, their right wing cohorts, including Alt Right, Muslims and blacks.

The Israeli conquest of Palestine: by contrast to Colin Liddell’s characterization


“The Spirit Lives” - Season’s Greetings to Christians worldwide by Roy Harper, courtesy Mancinblack

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 December 2017 07:00.

The Spirit Lives, by Roy Harper

“Where once were men but now are sheep
- a fiction and far cry,
From planet Earth’s proud animal
- who would be you and I
Alas, our forebears drank the cup of poisoned alibi
And made excuses far and wide,
And made God in the sky.

This boogaloo’s now round the world
- bad trips for everyone.
No more the man of paradise
Or the Celt of Albion
They queue like burning moths to spread
- the all time viscous lie
You Christians destroyed our tribe
- I’ll fight you till I die….”

The Spirit Lives” - Roy Harper

        “I can see no reason at all to change these lyrics” - Mancinblack

Russia recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (did that on 6 April 2017)

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 11 December 2017 05:01.

The Hill, “Russia recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital”, 6 April 2017:

Russia on Thursday publicly recognized West Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.

The announcement was made in a statement by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that addressed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In the statement, Moscow reaffirmed “support for the two-state solution” while acknowledging that East Jerusalem should be the capital of the future Palestinian state.

“We reaffirm our commitment to the UN-approved principles for a Palestinian-Israeli settlement, which include the status of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state,” the ministry said.

“At the same time, we must state that in this context we view West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

Moscow’s announcement comes as the new U.S. administration is considering moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thereby recognizing the city as Israel’s capital.

Israel declared Jerusalem its capital in 1950, but Russia is the first nation to recognize it as such, according to The Jerusalem Post.

Long-standing U.S. policy has called for the status of Jerusalem to be resolved by the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Russia is currently not planning on moving its embassy to the city.

In the statement, Russia maintained that a two-state solution is the best policy for the achieving peace in the region and pledged to focus on ensuring access to Jerusalem “for all believers.”

“Moscow reaffirms its support for the two-state solution as an optimal option that meets the national interests of the Palestinian and Israeli people, both of whom have friendly relations with Russia, and the interests of all other countries in the region and the international community as a whole,” the ministry said.

“Russia will continue to provide assistance to the achievement of Israeli-Palestinian agreements. We will focus on ensuring free access to Jerusalem’s holy places for all believers.”


Pinchas Goldschmidt
, Chief Rabbi of Moscow, President of the Conference of European Rabbis, the representative of the Russian Jewish community politically as well: Jews are fighting alongside their Muslim brothers against Old Europe.

“Do you like white women? Because we have a lot of them at Baylor, and they love football players.”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 December 2017 07:53.

“Do you like white women? Because have a lot of them at Baylor, and they love football players.” - Kendell Briles, Baylor College football recruiter, addressing black football prospects.

Washington Post, “Baylor moves to dismiss lawsuit alleging 52 rapes by 31 football players”, 29 March 2017:

Baylor moved Tuesday to dismiss a federal lawsuit filed in January filed by a former student who claimed to have been gang-raped by a pair of football players in 2013. In addition, her complaint alleged 52 “acts of rape” committed by the school’s football players between 2011 and 2014.

Those numbers were far higher than the eye-opening figures cited by school regents from the report of an outside law firm, which found that 17 women had reported 19 incidents of sexual or domestic assault by Baylor football players since 2011. However, in its court filing Tuesday, Baylor said it “does not agree with or concede the accuracy of Plaintiff’s 146-paragraph complaint and its immaterial and inflammatory assertions.”

“Baylor moves to dismiss Plaintiff’s assault, failure to investigate, and negligence claims because they are barred by the two-year statute of limitations,” stated the document, filed with a U.S. District Court that includes Baylor’s home of Waco, Tex., in its jurisdiction. The move to dismiss also claimed that the allegations of the woman, referred to as Elizabeth Doe, “do not rise to the level of ‘deliberate indifference.’ ”

Doe alleged in her complaint that on April 18, 2013 — an annual date known as “Diadeloso” (“Day of the Bear”) at Baylor and marked by a lack of classes and an encouragement of social interaction — she was raped by two freshman football players, Tre’Von Armstead and Shamycheal Chatman, and that Baylor ignored the situation. She also claimed that her position as a member of the school’s female recruiting team, called the Baylor Bruins, contributed to the incident.

“Baylor’s recruiting policies and practices, along with the Baylor Bruin football hostess program, directly contributed to the creation of a culture of sexual violence that permeated Baylor and from which Ms. Doe would soon suffer,” the lawsuit stated.

The lawsuit also contended that Kendal Briles, a former assistant football coach and son of former head coach Art Briles, told a recruit, “Do you like white women? Because we have a lot of them at Baylor, and they love football players.”

[Art Briles says he ‘did not cover up any sexual violence’ at Baylor]

“While broadly and needlessly impugning the integrity of the many female students who honorably participated in the Bruins organization, Plaintiff does not allege that she herself was ever asked by any Baylor official, directly or indirectly, to participate in the ‘good time’ recruiting policy that she claims to have existed,” Baylor said Tuesday, “nor does she claim that her alleged assault occurred in conjunction with any recruiting activity.”

More broadly, the lawsuit claimed that “Baylor football players were responsible for … the most widespread culture of sexual violence and abuse of women ever reported in a collegiate athletic program,” adding, “Baylor football under Briles had run wild, in more ways than one, and Baylor was doing nothing to stop it.”

“Although Baylor appreciates the sensitivity and seriousness of the issue of sexual assault — a fact demonstrated by its voluntary release of the Pepper Hamilton investigation findings in May 2016 — Plaintiff’s inflammatory and immaterial allegations must be disregarded when evaluating whether Plaintiff has stated a claim,” the university said in Tuesday’s filing.

Former Baylor football player Tre’Von Armstead arrested on sexual assault charges.

Armstead and Chatman were arrested last week and indicted in connection with the 2013 incident. Another former Baylor football player, Sam Ukwuachu, had a sexual-assault conviction overturned last week by a Texas appeals court, with the case remanded for retrial. Two other ex-Bears, Tevin Elliott and Shawn Oakman, have been convicted of and indicted on rape charges, respectively, in an ongoing scandal that has cost the jobs of Briles and other senior Baylor officials and spawned numerous lawsuits.

On Friday, lawyers for 10 women (in addition to Doe) who are suing Baylor for its alleged indifference to their rapes by football players filed notice to subpoena materials from Pepper Hamilton’s investigation into the school. “It’s long past time for the truth of how senior administrators discouraged and retaliated against the young women for reporting sexual assault,” Jim Dunnam, one of the lawyers, said Monday (via the Waco Tribune-Herald).

“We’ll never have transparency until they stop saying this was just a football problem,” he added. “Every time they say it is just a football problem is further victimization of the over 100 young women who were wronged that had nothing to do with football.”

Baylor’s Kim Mulkey: “Knock Parents Concerned About Sexual Assault Scandal ‘Right In The Face.”

DeadSpin, “Baylor’s Kim Mulkey: Knock Parents Concerned About Sexual Assault Scandal ‘Right In The Face”, 25 Feb 2017:

Today was senior day for the Baylor women’s basketball team, and rather than spending her time at the mic focused solely on her soon-departing players, head coach Kim Mulkey took a different route.

The storied coach decided to share a few choice words for parents voicing concern over sending their daughters to a place currently being sued for allowing and enabling football players to commit an alleged 52 sexual assaults in four years. Or rather, she shared some instructions for the fans—who cheered her both during and after her speech—telling them that if a parent tells them they won’t let their daughter attend Baylor, they should “knock them right in the face.”

Related Story at MR: Miscegenating female college students.

Our football coaches weren’t Marxists imposing black integration (they were objectivists imposing integration with blacks).

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Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 06:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 22:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 12:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:37. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:11. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 04:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 03:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 02:01. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 01:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 22:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 04:35. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 11:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:55. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:39. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:03. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 14:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 13:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 07:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 06:56. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 03:18. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 02:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 05 Jul 2024 22:39. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 05 Jul 2024 12:19. (View)

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